Wednesday 22 December 2010


Well, I've not been on for a while.  Things have been a little crazy the past few weeks, but there have been a few good things.

1. I've seen some of the most beautiful feats of nature brought to me courtesy of the cold weather.  One of greatest note was a magical moonlit home walk along the river and across the commons between Cambridge and Fen Ditton on Saturday night.  It was a 1.5 hour walk starting at midnight.  The snow had fallen and no-one else was about except me, Andrea and Joe as we walked through the untouched crisp white snow in the bright blue moonlight. Special.

2. I am moving on.  After much thought and consideration, I have decided to leave the County Council.  My last day is 13th January.  I will be moving on to brighter things, and making a fresh start with a new phase of my life.

3. My moving on is opening up space inside me to get back to myself and help my friends.

4. I had a great chat with an inspiring man of the cloth

5. I have great friends

6. I have great family

7. Timing is everything - just as it seemed it wasn't going to, it did.

8. Paul, my manager

9. I've been playing with the balance between going with the flow, creating space for changes to unfold, and with being pro-active and making the changes in my life.  It's interesting working out which to do when.

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