Saturday, 26 February 2011

Spring has sprung (ish)

On Thursday I walked the 3 miles/1 hour to walk along the Nottingham Canal.  It was the first day of sunshine in a long time, and it was also warm.  Oh my days!!  It felt so good!  I felt the warmth of the sun on my face and sooth my soul, which tends to struggle in the dark days of winter.  I saw ducks chasing each other for a bit of spring-time love.  One particularly amazing thing was as a gaggle of geese took flight along the line of the canal.  I looked back as I heard them coming, and as they were at my head height, for an instant as they swooped past me I felt like I took a little part of the flight with them!!!  I also saw a few purple and yellow crocuses poking out of the brown deadness of the woodland floor.  My day started as a black dog day, but by the time I'd marched to work I was high as a kite, having a sun-kissed white stallion kind of a day!!!!  The power of nature and the human body working together!!

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