Saturday, 26 February 2011

Music in me

After meeting up with an old old friend, with whom I shared some very formative years and experiences, I went through a turmolt of feelings.  This was good really.  I had a few things to get out of my system, which I did by talking to my old friend, by having a good cry - letting go of feelings I've been holding on to for years, and by spewing my feelings into some song lyrics.  

I've not written any lyrics for years, which has been weird for me, so it felt like I was finding a part of me again.  I also played my guitar and sang my heart out, which also made me feel better.  Music is a huge part of who I am, but in recent years I've not expressed it, so recently I've been rediscovering my musical spirit and soothing it by playing, singing and writing.  I'm always surprised at how much it boosts me.  And I'm starting to remember more often now.  It's the thing that makes me feel the best, heals me the most, but the thing I do the least.  It's like it's a bit too much of a luxury, too indulgent, and I should be doing more practical things first.  But it's probably the most effective and cheapest form of therapy open to me!

I'm aware how cheesy it must sound to say the healing power of music, but for me it's what keeps me sane.  

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