Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Ann Arbour - University of Michigan - 27th September

This morning we had a nice long lie in whilst Stephen and Galina were at work.  At lunchtime, Galina came home and drove us to Ann Arbour for the afternoon.  This is a very  nice artsy and traditional town about 40 miles outside of Detroit.  It's the home of the University of Michigan (best in the State) and is quite small.  Galina says there are three types of people there - the hippy/arty lot, the students and the professors.  So we mooched around the nice art shops, book shops and comic shops, taking in the lovely old buildings.  We walked around the university campus and hung out with the cheeky squirrels and chipmunks who were gathering nuts in a frenzy.  The campus had amazing buildings from the end of 1800s and 1920s, red brick, some art nouveau, interspersed with lawns and more beautiful trees.  The students were milling around, and actually wearing the University of Michigan hoodies and caps.  It felt like I was on the set to those 1980s american films and I thought I might at any moment bump into a young John Cusack, Molly Ringwold or Matthew McCarthy.  We stumbled upon a building and quad which was almost, stone for stone, a rebuild of Kings College Cambridge, including the Chapel, but in this case it was an amazing law library.  We took Stephen, Galina and Isobella out for a meal as it was our last night.  We went to Sheilds, a Detroit diner since 1946.  We had square pizza the size of several bricks.  We ate some of it then took the rest home in a box!  After a “You Bet” style packing extravaganza, whereby we bet each other to what extent we would need to squeeze all our booty in our suitcases, we bored S&G with Joe’s website, which they did actually marvel at.  Quite right too.

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