Friday, 20 August 2010

Day Four

Ella and Millie playing my piano
1.  Having assumed it was broken beyond repair after it fell out of my car boot and into the road, I found out that all my slr digital camera lens needed was a good yank in the right direction to make it as good as new again.  Thanks Mr man in the Calumet camera shop in Sneinton Market - you have saved me at least £100!!

2.  After not picking up my guitar for some weeks, I did today, and was happy to find that I am still able to play and sing "Feels like heaven" (my favourite Cure song du moment) to an acceptable and satisfying standard.  I even started thinking I might brave an airing of it at open mic night.  Think I need to get a better acoustic guitar before I do.

3.   I also played the piano today.  I love playing music and do not do it nearly enough.  Doing this blog and the threat of redundancy have inspired me to spend at least half an hour a day in some musical endeavour.  Maybe one day I will make a living from my number one passion.


  1. glad to hear your camera righted itself, why do gadgets decide to make us sweat and then let us off the hook? My computer feels like my worst enemy sometimes, then I could kiss it when it starts behaving again!

  2. Oh yeah, it is such a relief. I feel like I've got a second chance with it now! And that I need to look after it much better!!! I LOVED taking photos with it this weekend - just 'cos I felt lucky to have it working in my hands once more!!!
